The American Council of
State Savings Supervisors
ACSSS is the national professional association of state-chartered savings institution regulators
ACSSS provides professional supervisory information and insight in support of the state charter for savings institutions through Congressional Testimony and FFIEC participation. ACSSS also provides valuable information about legislative activity in Washington to state financial institution regulators.
Member Benefits
Critical legislative support on Capitol Hill. ACSSS has a close relationship with the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS). Through the efforts of the CSBS regulatory and legislative teams, ACSSS members are kept up-to-date on legislation and regulations that impact the state chartered thrift system. This benefit eliminates the need for you to attempt the monumental task of monitoring and reacting daily to legislative changes in Washington.
Participation on the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Committee (FFIEC). ACSSS is represented on the FFIEC's Task Force on Supervision and Information Sharing. In addition, ACSSS is serving a 2-year term on the FFIEC State Liaison Committee. Your voice is heard and well represented through the association's participation.
Participation on the Financial and Banking Infrastructure Information Committee (FBIIC). As the government coordinating council for the Banking and Financial Sector, FBIIC coordinates the public sector efforts to improve the reliability and security of the U.S. Financial System. FBIIC's membership consists principally of representatives from federal and state financial regulatory agencies and a representative from the Homeland Security Council.
Comment and Position Papers. As appropriate, ACSSS issues a formal comment or position paper on issues of importance to ACSSS and its members.
Information and Networking:
Legislative Updates. ACSSS members receive timely updates through monthly legislative conference calls about significant legislative and regulatory issues.
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